Month: February 2009

“Shouting fire in a crowded theater” – Freedom of Speech

Nigel Warburton published Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction this month. With coincidental timing, last week the Home Office refused Geert Wilders entrance into the UK. Wilders is a member of the Dutch Parliament and famous for…

RPE 103 and 107: Important

103 and 107Please try and get your presentation groups and topics to me ASAP…I would like to start the presentations next week (Week 9) but this might be unrealistic. If we only start in Week 10, all of…

Readings for RPE107

Because some of you have been missing lectures, I have been getting emails asking for links to the readings we will be doing for the rest of the course. So here they are: Anslem’s Ontological Argument: Thoreau’s…

RPE107 Presentation

Each group must choose one of the following papers (or excerpts of text) for their presentation/written work combo. There is enough choice for every group to do something different, so we will work on a “first tell Carl…

Californian Octuplets

A 33-year-old Californian, single mom, Nadya Suleman, gave birth to octuplets 27th January 2009. She already had six children ranging in ages from two to seven. All fourteen children were conceived using infertility treatments. She states, “That was…

Worst Argument – result soon – snow permitting..

Well, chaos here due to snow and ice (we can’t cope in the UK with this weather) meaning two days of cancelled lectures, and a conference tomorrow. Nonetheless, the results of the ‘Worst Argument’ competition will be announced…

Philosophy Society cancellation

Due to weather conditions the Philosophy Society will be cancelled tomorrow night. Everybody now has another month to read Machiavelli’s The Prince, slim in size but broad in content. The next meeting will be Thursday, 5th March. Look…

Cordoba Field Trip

Students wishing to come on the trip to Cordoba (all three years, not just those on OTC136) can now book – we need you to book flights and pay the deposit by the 12th of Feb though:If you…

Worst Argument?

Click here: if you are looking for the ‘worst argument’ competition: we will be announcing a winner around the end of this week..CheersDave

Fear of Death (video)

An interesting video here – from Yale – on the Fear of Death: Maybe I should adopt the cross-legged, converse-and-jeans look for my RPE301 lectures?Dave