Category: arguments

The Examined Life Video Presentation

Thanks for the presentations this morning. Very interesting and enjoyable…and I like this video! Well done all.

Worst Argument Result…

When I went to cover a RPE101 (Philosophical and Ethical Arguing) class in December, I chatted with the students about fallacies and bad arguments – and was reminded of an in-class exercise I often did with students. This…

Worst Argument – result soon – snow permitting..

Well, chaos here due to snow and ice (we can’t cope in the UK with this weather) meaning two days of cancelled lectures, and a conference tomorrow. Nonetheless, the results of the ‘Worst Argument’ competition will be announced…

Worst Argument?

Click here: if you are looking for the ‘worst argument’ competition: we will be announcing a winner around the end of this week..CheersDave

Britain’s Worst Argument?

Following from some exercises I have done in classes, and after a chat with the RPE101 students I had a week or two ago – I have decided we could look for Britain’s Worst Argument. This could be…