8 February 2013
OPEN TO ALL: Mondays, 5.30 – 7.00, Francis Close Hall, room HC204 Monday 18 February, 2013, Dr Will Large (University of Gloucestershire), ‘Remembering the Impossible Possibility: Kierkegaard and Human Capital’. Monday 11 March, 2013, Dr Pamela Sue Anderson, (Regent’s Park College, Oxford) ‘Feminist…
6 February 2013
Ten reasons to do RPE at UoG 1. It’s a great course! Our university was one of the first in the country to combine Religion, Philosophy and Ethics together in one degree. Students are attracted to this course…
4 February 2013
Just to note that our Facebook group (which has staff, current students, past students [some now teachers themselves], academics and schoolteachers as members) is also open to potential students / applicants: feel free to join, and to use it…
4 February 2013
In case it is of interest – I’ve been talking to the Buddhist magazine Tricycle: http://www.tricycle.com/blog/dangers-spirituality-interview-david-webster