15 November 2012
What is classical theism? Interview with Dr Roy Jackson at the University of Gloucestershire..
15 November 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6d5drvFMVs A group of our new first-year students were asked to give a presentation on one philosopher talking in the film The Examined Life. This group chose Peter Singer, and produced a film of their own!
15 November 2012
On tuesday, RPE (and a few others) went to the Leicester Diwali 2012 celebrations… More details can be seen at http://www.leicester.gov.uk/diwali/ but the best account is probably that offered by staff and students over on our course Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/RPEglos/
13 November 2012
Another submitted question: Do you find Dawkins argument less convincing than Tinker and other contemporary philosophers because he is essentially a fundamentalist atheist? (The Edexcel textbook references this article: http://matthiasmedia.com/briefing/2006/10/dawkinss-dilemmas/) How could one criticise Tinker’s critique of Dawkins?…
13 November 2012
A teacher wrote: “We were discussing the classical idea of God as immutable and impassible – one of my students asked how Aquinas squared these attributes with scriptural testimony to His being moved to pity (by Hannah’s request for a…
12 November 2012
Click below : A podcast from The Religious Studies Project where they interview Robert Orsi about Otto.. RSP37-Orsi.mp3 Rudolf Otto was a highly influential figure in the history of Religious Studies, but whether that influence was for good or not…
6 November 2012
Dr William Large answers a (stupid) question from me: Why bother studying Plato’s Forms?
6 November 2012
Dr William Large on the ideas of appearance and reality in Plato. He discusses the metaphor of the cave in Plato, and what it means…
6 November 2012
Dr William Large on the tri-partite person, and the equivalent in the State – as in Plato’s Republic
6 November 2012
Dr William Large on the connection between virtue and knowledge in Plato