24 September 2008
There are some very interesting radio programmes on Religion and Science from Wisconsin Public Radio at http://www.wpr.org/book/061119a.html – lots to think about here.. (spotted via our friends in Florida at http://unfspb.wordpress.com/ – thanks) D.
18 September 2008
The University of Southampton has launched the AWARE project in a scientific attempt to determine what happens when we die. People often talk of having Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) but there are lots of rational explanations that can be…
16 September 2008
Ok – we are about to head to Westonbirt again for our induction trip… The topic to ponder is the question ‘What does it mean to call something Natural?’ The term can be explored at http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=natural and follow…
4 September 2008
Well, another ‘summer’ has passed, and we are all running around getting ready to welcome a new cohort of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics students. The blog has been ratherquiet over the summer – but is ready to get…