Month: September 2010

Ayodhya Decision…

The BBC is reporting: A court in India has said that a disputed holy site in Ayodhya should be split between Hindus and Muslims, lawyers for the Hindu petitioners say. However in a majority verdict, judges gave control…

RPE Lecturers in Turin

Dave and I attended the CESNUR 2010 International Conference in Turin on ‘Changing Gods: Between Religion and Everyday Life’ from 9-11 September.  Apart from wine and pizza we heard papers on New Religious Movements from some of the…

The Examined Life

Hi. For any new RPE students struggling to find resources for the Induction Project – see where you can access a fair few reviews f of the film. The trailer is below, and can help you…


So – another year… A big welcome back to all existing RPE students, and an equally excessive welcome to all our new Religion, Philosophy & Ethics students. We will be seeing you all week – but do browse…

Philosophy in the city (and village)

Famous Liverpool Sophists Those misguided amongst you who thought Athens was the birthplace of philosophy are wrong: it was Liverpool (remember Plato’s Cavern?), and to celebrate this fact there is a two-week Philosophy in the City festival which…


I noticed at that: “An ice cream company banned from using an advert displaying a pregnant nun has vowed to position similar posters in London in time for the Pope’s visit. Antonio Federici’s advert showed a pregnant…

Flickr updates

Just a quick note: have finally begun to add some stuff to the RPE Flickr page (see widget to the right) – or – hope to add some more soon…