30 July 2007
As some of you may have heard, as a result of flooding there is no running water in our taps here in Cheltenham… As a result, the University is closed until Friday 3rd August – so if you…
10 July 2007
I note that at http://users.ox.ac.uk/~worc0337/why_phil.html there is a set of for/against arguments dealing with this topic – and links to the many University Departments who offer a rationale for such studies. At Elon University, Nim Batchelor has a…
7 July 2007
Those of you preparing for your third year of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (rather than just relaxing all summer), will have noted the module Love, Sex and Death. I just came across a really intriguing podcast at:http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/podcasts/2007/02/science_weekly_for_february_12.htmlwhich I…
5 July 2007
Well, after a very demanding and competitive process (we were hugely impressed by both the quantity of applicants, and the very high quality of them) of selecting a new member of staff to join us on the RPE…