Month: March 2009

Philosophy Society Update

Despite the end of lectures for 2008/2009, hopefully some students are still around for The Philosophy Society meeting when we will be discussing Civil Disobedience by Thoreau. As always, we are meeting in The Gallery Room at Park…

Cordoba Field Trip…

see for trip photos… In March the successor to Nigel Scotland’s long-standing Rome trip took place. This involved Roy, Shelley and myself taking 21 students (5 of them 2nd years, the rest level 1 – all RPE…

Week 12 RPE 103 Lecture

Next week in the RPE 103 lecture slot I will be giving a lecture on philosophical/argumentative essay-writing. I would highly recommend that ALL students taking RPE 103 and RPE 107 with me attend this lecture. You should all…

Back from Spain…

Well – as we got back to Cheltenham about 1.45am, a proper update may have to wait a day or two – but after our adventures in Cordoba and Seville – with Cathedrals, Alcazars, Mosques, Synagogues, Spanish trains,…

RPE 107 Presentations (Reminder)

Hello all. Please remember that each group must hand in a short summary/bullet-point document to do with their presentations… This is not necessary for the 103 presentations.

Worst Argument Result…

When I went to cover a RPE101 (Philosophical and Ethical Arguing) class in December, I chatted with the students about fallacies and bad arguments – and was reminded of an in-class exercise I often did with students. This…