27 September 2007
I am pleased to announce our preliminary meeting will be next Tuesday (2nd October – Week 2) at 6pm in FCH bar.It will be an opportunity to meet each other, collate some ideas for our reading material, and…
27 September 2007
The excellent BBC Radio 4 series In Our Time has returned after a summer break with a discussion on Socrates. You can listen to this at any time on the net and, for one week only, you can…
26 September 2007
Hi – below is the programe for the GPS. I would encourage all RPE students (and others) to attend these – you will be made very welcome… [the guilt debate still continues at http://r-p-e.blogspot.com/2007/09/guilt.html ] Dave Gloucestershire Philosophical…
24 September 2007
Thanks to all students who took part in the Week Zero (Freshers week / Induction week) activities last week. They worked hard – both on the trip and back at FCH. Our trip to Westonbirt Arboretum allowed us…
21 September 2007
http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/misc/johnlocke/index.shtml for an archive of the Locke lectures – very interesting listening..Dave
14 September 2007
Check out the Nietzsche Circle. Their ‘vision statement’ is: ‘To create an intellectual and artistic community whereby individuals of similar spirit and vision may come together and explore Nietzsche’s philosophy, developing ways in which it can be transfigured.’…