25 February 2007
Hi, the Buddhism podcast 3 is now on-line. It is short, and about Not-Self (Anatta) – and is really just a reading of the start of the Buddhist text Questions of King Milinda – which uses the idea…
21 February 2007
Following the post about the skills philosophy/ethics students need, we hagve been using the 187 (Skills) module to discuss what procedures might best enable group / class feedback discussions, and whether any ground rules are needed for them……
21 February 2007
Hi, the second podcast for RPE (Religion, Philosophy & Ethics) 202 Buddhism is now available. This is a longer piece – so is hosted in a different location to the other podcasts for RPE. This podcast is a…
18 February 2007
For those on EZ205 Language & Ethics, there is a short podcast with some definitions of Moral Realism at:http://pebblepad.glos.ac.uk/blog.aspx?blogoid=5503 – hope it is useful. [It may be of interest to those studying A-level, ( As / A2) Religious…
14 February 2007
This post is to ask our students (and others) what skills they think are important in the study of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics. While it is initially for current students to reflect on what they did well/badly in…
13 February 2007
Last week, some of our staff and students attended an event at the Cheltenham Ladies College on Religion and Philosophy. This was mainly aimed at students of A-Level Religious studies (philosophy & ethics) – but they kindly had…
9 February 2007
I was reading a comment over at the UNF philsophy blog:(here) where a UNF philosophy student [I think] relates a (rather frightening) real-life incident that she was involved in – and then relates it to the topic at…
6 February 2007
Okay – if you want to listen to the 1st (technically the second, but the first one was a test) podcast on RPE202 Buddhism, go to http://pebblepad.glos.ac.uk/blog.aspx?blogoid=5503 and download the mp3. Then listen to it – simple as…
5 February 2007
The new Departmental course brochure (for Humanities at the University of Gloucestershire – that is English Language; English Literature; Creative Writing; History and Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (RPE)) can now be downloaded at: http://www2.glos.ac.uk/offload/faculties/ehs/humanities/humanitiesBrochure.pdf
2 February 2007
I recently had an e-mail from our friends at the University of North Florida‘s Philosophy department (Hi Rico) – to let us know that their philosophy blog is now back and up and running at full speed- and…