Month: May 2011

Summer on Campus

Just took this (effect via InstaGram) as I walked across campus…

Lively debate..

You can tell all essays are in: our students have become very lively over on the course Facebook page at Lots of discussion of brain-gym, the ebacc and Religious Studies in schools, philosophy in schools and more….

Philosophy dead?

Stephen Hawking, in a Telegraph piece this morning, declares that Philosophy is dead: But almost all of us must sometimes wonder: Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally, these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy…

Gloucestershire Philosophical Society- The Politics of Human Nature: A Study of Power and Authority”

Gloucestershire Philosophical Society  Wednesday, May 11th., 7.30.p.m. at FCH Room HC203 Harry Cowen, University of Gloucestershire, will give a talk on  “The Politics of Human Nature: A Study of Power and Authority”. The talk will focus on the…