Month: June 2014

Wicca and Gender

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Manon Hedenborg-White (from Uppsala University) about the role of gender within Wicca.: — Find us on twitter @RPEatGlos, or see our Course Blog at

Using popular music in History research and teaching..

In this short video Dr Christian O’Connell talks to Dr Dave Webster about treating popular music as historical text. The video touches on the Blues, History research and more:


Dr Hilary Weeks in conversation about English Literature and the A-Level.

Discussing A Level English literature, choosing books, close reading and more..

Bob Dylan, 1960s Culture, Civil Rights and more: Professor John Hughes interviewed.

In this short video Professor John Hughes talks to Dr Dave Webster about Bob Dylan’s place in the culture of 1960s America.  In it we talk about the song The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol (see, as well as…

Professor John Hughes: Invisible Now. Why Bob Dylan matters to literature students.

In this short video, I ask Professor John Hughes about why someone interested in Literature should pay attention to Bob Dylan.  John also talks about his recent book: Invisible Now: Bob Dylan in the 1960s. The title (obviously)…

Mega-Events, Sport, The Football World Cup, The Olympics and ethics…

In this video Dr Dave Webster interviews Dr Malcolm MacLean about Mega-Events, Sport, the Football World Cup, the Olympics and ethics…  We talk about  the utilitarian decision-making process, the Play Fair organisation, the Qatar World Cup, Brazil, allotments in London and much…

Using Social Media in Higher Education, Humanities-based, contexts

In this short video Dr Hilary Weeks talks to Dr Dave Webster about the use of Social Media in his work in the School of Humanities (particularly the RPE course) at the University of Gloucestershire

Professor Gordon McConville – the Old Testament

Professor McConville, who part of the Theology & Religious Studies staff here at Gloucestershire, and Professor of Old Testament Theology, talks about why the Old Testament deserves our attention – and explores the notion of human flourishing: In the course of the…

Interview with Alom Shaha..

While Alom Shaha, the author of The Young Atheist’s Handbook was in town to speak at the Cheltenham Science Festival, I managed to record a short audio interview just before he went off to speak. I asked him…

2014 Religion, Philosophy & Ethics Essay Competition..

Looking for info about our 2014 Essay competition? If you’ve wound up here looking for the 2014 Religion, Philosophy & Ethics Essay Competition details: you need to hop over to our course blog page at – where you’ll find deadline info,…