Month: June 2014 - Page 2

MA in Philosophy & Religious Thought

Here at Gloucestershire, we now offer a part-time, distance learning (online) MA Philosophy & Religious Thought. The official page is here:, and we have a page on our blog too… Here are two of the course tutors introducing the…

Popular Culture and UFO Religions

In this video Dr Dave Webster interviews Erik A.W. Östling about  the relation between popular culture and UFO religions. Erik has presented some materials on this topic such as THIS paper in Israel recently, and THIS article on the Raëlian religion.  If you are seriously interested in…

Prof Roy Jones on Culture, Geography, History and Ugg boots..

In a slight change of topic, but as its so interesting – one from our colleagues in History – Professor Roy Jones talks to Dr Iain Robertson about textbooks, denim, Ugg boots and more: History at Gloucestershire has…

Morality, Life and related topics: the big questions…

RPE graduate, and teacher, Kayleigh Davies, asks Dr David Webster about life, morality, the afterlife and related issues, in a religious context. ——————————————————————————– See our RPE Course blog at

No such thing as Evil?

RPE graduate, and teacher, Kayleigh Davies, asks Dr David Webster about whether we could argue that there is “no such thing as Evil”… ——————————————————————————– See our RPE Course blog at

Belief, Evidence, the Bible, and more..

RPE graduate, and teacher, Kayleigh Davies, asks Dr David Webster about the relationship between the Bible, evidence and belief: ——————————————————————————– See our RPE Course blog at

American Literature, its value to study, and Maya Angelou…

This is a video from our colleagues in History, here at Gloucestershire, but I thought it really interesting – and so posted it here too: Professor Neil Wynn talks to Dr Christian O’Connell about American Literature, its value to study,…