28 February 2008
Turkey’s Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara to revise the Islamic texts known as hadith. The hadith, which are thousands in number, are considered to be the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad…
27 February 2008
Well, despite the excitment and chaos of a minor earthquake (which don’t phase those of us who sleep through them – see previous earthquake entry..), I made it to Halesowen College today to talk about various exciting things:…
26 February 2008
Well – we did it: we watched The Seventh Seal in RPE301 (Love, Sex and Death) this Monday. This post is to allow RPE301 students to post their comments – but others are welcome to join in to….
20 February 2008
Well – fresh back from another enjoyable school visit. Today I was just south of Coventry to talk about the Problem of Evil and Ethics (esp Utilitarianism). The group there had lots to say – and it was…
19 February 2008
In recent discussions with some Philosophy and other university teachers – someone mentioned the use of the Second Life – the virtual world – as a possible teaching tool / environment. I know some Universities use Second Life…
14 February 2008
Now available, on Open2. net, the first of fourteen podcasts on applied ethics, presented by Nigel Warburton. Including interviews with high profile contemporary ethicists, including Peter Singer, Michael Sandel, Thomas Scanlon, Mary Warnock, and Roger ScrutonThis is available…
12 February 2008
Another week – another visit. This time I was in Malmesbury, to visit some year 12 and 13 students to talk about applying moral theory to dilemmas. I talked about the Omelas short story, and the Runaway Trolley…
8 February 2008
Well – the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, seems to have caused more fuss than he might have anticipated. If you see the papers today – you will see why: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7234152.stm What is not clear, really, is…
6 February 2008
If thinking about the Philosophy of Mind has made you hungry – see the challenge at www.computercookingcontest.net – which has, I am sure, both culinary and philosophical interest…Dave
6 February 2008
I am back, fresh from a morning with the Year 13 class (Religious Studies: Philosophy & Ethics) at Brimsham Green School, Yate (nr Bristol!). I hope they have recovered from a barrage of talk from me (3 hours…