Month: July 2014


How do different academic disciplines use the term ‘Spirituality’?

In this video, Dr David Webster talks to Knut Melvær about the different ways a variety of academic areas use the term ‘Spirituality’: ——- See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at

Asking Knut Melvær about his Study of Spirituality in 20th Century Norway

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Knut Melvær about his Study of Spirituality in 20th Century Norway – and this raises some general issues about the nature and study of Spirituality more widely: ——- See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog…

Talking to Knut Melvær about the term ‘Spirituality’

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Knut Melvær about the notion of Spirituality – and Knut gives us some of the historical context: ——- See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at

What is meant by the phrase ‘Otherkin’?

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Venetia Robertson (Sydney) what is meant by the term ‘Otherkin’. At you can see some of Venetia’s published work on Therianthropy, mermaids, Brony fandom and more.. [the sound is a bit blowy at the start…


Sport as form of moral education. Can Sport make us Good?

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Dr Emily Ryall whether sport can feature in our moral education – whether it contributes to character formation. In short – can sport make us good? This video really just acts as a starting point…

Philosophy of Sport – new video interviews

Over at our video blog, we have a series of new video-interviews about the Philosophy of Sport. They involve interview with Dr Emily Ryall, and can be seen at Topics include sport as morally educational, sport as art,…


Is Sport a form of Art? A video interview with Dr Emily Ryall.

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Dr Emily Ryall whether sport can, in some sense, be regarded as ‘art’.. Those interested in this topic may also want to visit where Stephen Mumford is interviewed (audio, 1 hour) on related issues….


Should we regard Elite Athletes as Heroes?

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Dr Emily Ryall  whether we should regard elite athletes are heroes? Don’t they make better heroes than reality TV stars? Dr Ryall teaches at the Oxstalls campus of the University of Gloucestershire, and is…


What is the Philosophy of Sport? A short video interview

In this video, Dr David Webster asks Dr Emily Ryall what Philosophy of Sport is – whether such a thing as ‘philosophy of sport’ even exists… Dr Ryall teaches at the Oxstalls campus of the University of Gloucestershire, and is…

University of Gloucestershire Open Day Video

We have a new University video: for Open Day info visit Here is the University’s description to go with the video: We’re not a vast, faceless institution that treats students as numbers, not people. Study here and you’ll…