Category: Paganism

Paganism as a way of Life? A question about its impact..

In this short video, Dr David Webster asks “How does being a Pagan effect your life?” David and Geoff, the interviewees then discuss how it has had impacts on them, and how they live: See the Religion, Philosophy &…

How has Paganism changed over recent years?

In this short video, Dr David Webster asks David and Geoff, the interviewees, about how Paganism has changed during the time they’ve been involved with it. See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at

"What drew you to Paganism?"

In some new videos practising Pagans, David and Geoff, answer my questions – and I began by asking them what originally drew them towards Paganism: See the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course blog at  

Magic in Western Esoteric Traditions

In this video Dr Dave Webster interviews Dr Kennet Granholm about the notion of ‘magic’ within Western Esoteric traditions: ———————————————————————————– See our RPE Course blog at

Robert Wallis on Paganism and Burial Sites

Alternative Archaelogy, Has It Happened?: Paganism and Archaeology in Twenty-first Century in Britain Robert WALLIS (Richmond University, London) We only just get started chatting before we are cut off by catering staff arriving – but we start on…

From Goddess to Cyborg..

I ask Venetia Robertson about her work, and we end up talking about Pagans and transhumanism: Venetia is a PhD Candidate at the University of Sydney. Recorded at CESNUR 2013 in Falun. At you can see some of…