20 May 2020
In these uncertain times we thought we might put up a video of us hacking on about what we love when it comes to teaching Religion, Philosophy and Ethics at University of Gloucestershire…its a bit rough round the…
10 May 2020
As we mentioned in the first post, RPE has moved its teaching, as many universities have, online during the lockdown. Part of this teaching is video essays, which are a good way of communicating difficult philosophical ideas visually…
10 February 2017
While on tour with Candle Conferences, I asked Dr Peter Vardy whether he thought that young people were still interested in the issues raised by philosophy and religious studies, or whether they only cared about selfies…
4 February 2017
In this short video, I ask Dr Luke Brunning about his philosophical interest in non-monogamy. Interview by Dr David Webster.
12 August 2016
Our video-interviews are normally quite short, but I took the opportunity of chatting (via Skype) to Skye Cleary in New York, to have an extended conversation with her about the ideas in her book Existentialism and Romantic Love….
11 August 2016
In this interview, I ask Professor Sandis about why we should care about the Philosophy of Action. What good does it do us to investigate how we understand reasons, beliefs, motivations and causes? He even answers me. Constantine…
5 August 2016
In this interview, I ask Professor Sandis about his book The things we do, and why we do them. We talk about beliefs, reasons, action and motivation. The discussion ranges widely, and encompasses the psychology of motivation, the philosophy…
5 June 2015
Dr David Webster from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics team at the University of Gloucestershire asks his colleague Dr William Large about his new book on Levinas’ Totality and Infinity. Discover the RPE course : http://r-p-e.blogspot.co.uk/p/about-rpe-course.html
23 January 2015
Dr David Webster from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics team at the University of Gloucestershire in conversation with Dr Robin James about her new book Resilience & Melancholy: pop music, feminism, and neoliberalism Robin James is Associate Professor of Philosophy…
26 November 2014
Dr David Webster from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics team at the University of Gloucestershire asks Robert Jackson (currently doing a PhD at Lancaster) about the game BioShock, and the philosophical issues he discusses in his book about the game:…