Category: philosophy - Page 3

New to Philosophy?

I have recently been asked by some of our new student intake which books I would recommend for someone coming to philosophy for the first time, and it is also a question that often crops up at Open…

Attempts to Prove God Exists are a Meaningless Account of Faith and Religion

In which I argue that attempts to prove God exists (or that He doesn’t) are a meaningless account of faith and Religion: to engage in them is to misunderstand the very nature of what religion is… I have written…

Another Ethical Dilemma – guns in the jungle

What should you do? Kill one to save 9 – or let all ten die? And why it might not even be that good a dilemma after all… Staff from the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course at University of Gloucestershire…

Students speak about Peter Singer (The Examined Life..) A group of our new first-year students were asked to give a presentation on one philosopher talking in the film The Examined Life. This group chose Peter Singer, and produced a film of their own!

Plato’s Forms? What is this theory and why study it?

Dr William Large answers a (stupid) question from me: Why bother studying Plato’s Forms?

Appearance, Reality and Plato’s Cave

Dr William Large on the ideas of appearance and reality in Plato. He discusses the metaphor of the cave in Plato, and what it means…

Tri-Partite Soul and State in Plato

Dr William Large on the tri-partite person, and the equivalent in the State – as in Plato’s Republic

Knowledge and Virtue in Plato

Dr William Large on the connection between virtue and knowledge in Plato

Determinism and Free Will

Dr David Webster answers a question sent in via Twitter:  If determinism is accepted as truth, and free will an illusion, is it right to morally judge actions? 

Lectures – on various philosophical topics

Ok, they’re not videos – but our colleague Dr William Large makes a number of his lectures public: these can be found at – and should be of interest to anyone studying philosophy.. We hope to post some videos…