Category: philosophy - Page 6

Can the mind exist independently of the body?

The University of Southampton has launched the AWARE project in a scientific attempt to determine what happens when we die. People often talk of having Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) but there are lots of rational explanations that can be…

Philosophy Reading Group News

Hello, The Philosophy Reading Group has been formally upgraded to a shiny university society. We will now be known as ‘The Philosophy Society’. The benefits are unlimited, the greatest one being that we now have a comfortable venue…

Cirencester Philosophy blog

Our friends at Cirencester College have just started blogging at – and we hope their students will respond – as ours do (during term-time at least). Their blog aims to be ‘A place to share and discuss…

Dead Philosophers and Public Philosophers

The Radio 4 programme Start the Week had a philosophical representaiton in its 9th June edition with Simon Critchely talking about his new book which is a catalogue of the weird and wonderful ends that philosophers have met…

Queen Elizabeth’s Mercian School Visit – Ethics..

Last friday [29th Feb] I headed up the delightful M5 and M42 to Queen Elizabeth’s Mercian School to talk to Years 11, 12 and 13 (in varying quantities) about various things. We began with arguments for the existence…

Second Life and Philosophy

In recent discussions with some Philosophy and other university teachers – someone mentioned the use of the Second Life – the virtual world – as a possible teaching tool / environment. I know some Universities use Second Life…

Ethics Bites

Now available, on Open2. net, the first of fourteen podcasts on applied ethics, presented by Nigel Warburton. Including interviews with high profile contemporary ethicists, including Peter Singer, Michael Sandel, Thomas Scanlon, Mary Warnock, and Roger ScrutonThis is available…

Julian Baggini Talk: All Invited

Popular Philosopher Julian Baggini will be giving a talk on communitarianism in Britain. In a recent piece for Prospect magazine, he writes that while the elite of Britain remains liberal, much of the rest of the population adopts…

Why Study Religion, Philosophy and Ethics?

Philosophy seems more popular in Schools than ever. [As noted HERE by Nigel Warburton] In Scotland, the Herald newspaper has considered this – causing a number of its online readers to comment HERE about the value of philosophy….

Philosophy and Popular Culture…

Since 2000 Open Court publishers (and Blackwells in the UK republishing them) have been putting out a series entitled Philosophy and Popular Culture. The first one I saw (as I unwrapped it one Christmas) was The Simpsons and…