Category: Videos


What is the antagonism at the heart of the new form of contemporary capitalism? The capitalist is looking for ever new creative subjectivities, but this subjectivity must be controlled and limited. The contradictions of capital take place within…

What is Money?

What is money? We all use money every day, yet it is the most mysterious of commodities. It can be bought and sold like everything else (think of the currency markets) but it is also the medium through…

Philosophy as a way of Life

Nowadays we tend to think of philosophy as an academic discipline you study in university and that to be a philosopher is to be a professor of philosophy. But that is not always how it has been, according…

Why Philosophy?

Why do philosophy at all?

Heidegger Being Towards Death: Part 1

  As you all know the lockdown has meant that face to face teaching has been suspended for the meanwhile. This also has meant that our teaching has moved online. One of the resources we use are video…

Religion, Philosophy & Ethics Field Trip – a little video..

Made on this year’s trip to Spain, with one of our Second Year students – Chris.

Buddhism Series: Life of the Buddha

From our series of new videos, a discussion on the Life of the Buddha, with David Webster and Peter Kernaghan. Learn more about our Religion, Philosophy & Ethics degree at 

Buddhism Series: What is Theravada Buddhism?

From our series of new videos, a discussion on Theravada Buddhism: The material at may also be useful. Learn more about our Religion, Philosophy & Ethics degree at 

Buddhism Series: The Tripitaka

From our series of new videos, a discussion on the Tripitaka in Buddhism with David Webster and Peter Kernaghan. See more at Learn more about our Religion, Philosophy & Ethics degree at   

Buddhism Series: Fourth Noble Truth

From our series of new videos, a discussion on the Fourth Noble Truth: The material at may also be useful. Learn more about our Religion, Philosophy & Ethics degree at