Diwali, Leicester

Since the 1970’s the Gujarati Hindu community has made a substantial impact on the city of Leicester and on no occasion can this be more vividly experienced that on the night of Divalli.

The Melton Road area of the city becomes illuminated by thousands of street lights as many more thousands of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Jains mingle with other Leicestrians and tourists to celebrate this auspicious occasion in the Hindu calendar.

Students can savour the delights of Indian street cuisine and experience the religious and cultural significance of this ancient festival as it unfolds with fireworks and music in the heart of the U.K. One student described what she saw:

Experiencing the largest Diwali festival outside of India has got to be one of my greatest memories whilst being at University. Seeing Leicestershire come to life with fireworks, authentic Indian food stalls, traditional Hindu dresses and dance was completely breathtaking.’

RPE Student