Category: Christmas

Christmas Banned – no post this year..

We have already covered at length the ‘Christmas Banned’ tabloid stories in previous years, so if people do want to read about it – you can: There is more here too:

Christmas/Religion (not actually) banned from Stamps…

You can tell Christmas is coming – as I have seem my first ‘Christmas banned by political correctness’ story: even if it turns out to be wholly false… gives the details… Links to past examples of claims…

Christmas Puzzle Link and usual ‘Christmas banned’ nonsense

Peter Cave has a Christmas puzzle for the entertainment of philosophers at – enjoy See previous links at for stories on banning Christmas, etc- expect usual tabloid versions this year too… Dave

Festive Philosophy?

Well – ’tis the season to tolerate the tabloids feigning outrage at the alleged suppression of Christmas traditions in the name of political correctness (see HERE for an example, and HERE for an article from the Guardian on…