Category: Christmas meal

Christmas meal final details

Well – chaos and confusion rule – but Shajaat has finally sent me the FINAL details: I’m really sorry, but among all the chaos and confusion the situation has been resolved. Due to David Webster’s talk at the…

RPE Xmas meal

change of planJust to let you know that the RPE Christmas Meal will be on Sunday 9th December at Spice Exchange Indian Restaurant, Clarence Parade, Cheltenham @ 18:00. please let me (or one of the level 3 student…

Staff-Student Christmas Meal

Following the runaway success of last year’s event, I am told that students are planning to have another staff-student meal this Christmas. The date under discussion is Monday 10th December, with The Indus (Indian Restuarant, on Bath Road)…

Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (RPE) Summer Meal

Thanks to the Student Reps who have organised this. Following the success of the RPE Xmas meal, we are now having an event on Wednesday 13th Jun 2007 at 6pm. It will be at the Cheltenham Tandoori (details…

RPE Christmas Meal Pictures

The Christmas Meal Pictures are now in the RPE Photo Album. (more photos please if you have them)(see the ‘Links’ section) – enjoy – Dave. Or click: Note: Due to a blog upgrade (like the new look?),…