Uni Glos RPE Guest Speakers: International Society for Krishna Consciousness from Ty Krishna Cymru.

Whoa, this was an excellent student session with our longstanding friends from The Cardiff ISKCON centre (ISKCON – Tŷ Krishna Cymru (tykrishna.cymru). This week we were joined by the venerable spiritual master Tarakanathadas (pictured) and prominent spokesperson Mantrirajadas (also known as the techno man). From the start we were invited to discuss the ISKCON approach to the wider environmental question and it soon became apparent that it all depends upon the inner spiritual quest for purity as much as it does being outwardly involved in material activism. The questions came fast and deep as we grappled with a number of really interesting spiritual concepts and ideas and this provided us with some real insights in to the need to address oneself in order to address the gnawing environmental issues that we currently face. We also spoke about the impact of Covid and the social engagement that ISKCON in Cardiff is involved in, terms of distributing free Krishna Prasadam throughout lock down. I would like to thank Tarakanathadas and Mantrirajadas very much for their time and energy and look forward to the time when we can come and visit you as the new temple project develops….Hare Krishna.

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