Swings and Roundabouts…

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Roy Jackson

Some changes to let people know about this summer…

Some minor changes to the RPE Course have taken place, and we have also launched a straight Philosophy programme as well.

The role of Course Leader has passed from myself to Dr Roy Jackson – who now takes on the role – and good luck to him with all those annual reports, programme change committees and student questions…

In addition to that – we have a new member of staff as well. Dr William Large has joined us and will be teaching from Spetember. I expect Will to introducue himself on here soon, but if you can’t wait his profile at his previous job is still live HERE – but probably not for long…


David W... says:

In case people are wondering – I am not leaving or anything! Just laying down the Course Leader burden…
I will still be teaching on RPE208 (Indian Religions), RPE301 (Love, Sex and Death) and taking the RPE136 Field Trip module to Cordoba, Spain… amongst other things…

lisa allen says:


if its not a really stupid question what are the minor changes to the RPE course


Anonymous says:

dont know if I sent my comment yesterday or not but could you just point out what are the minor changes to the RPE course



David W... says:

They are Route Requirement changes (for example – 301, and 304 – you no longer have to do both, you can just do one of them [or both if you choose].

The changes are in the updated Course Map at http://www.glos.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/Pages/mapsdescriptors.aspx?courseCode=RPE&pathwayCode=single

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